
Showing posts from January, 2021

Ubantu Linux command

New Ubantu system setup 1. Install NPM in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS through repository Since the package is already available in standard Ubuntu repository. Therefore, first we need to update the repository to make the latest version of the package available. Hence, open a terminal and issue the following – sudo apt update Next, to install NPM – sudo apt install npm To verify the version of NPM we have installed – npm -v It would return – 6.14.4   Reference : 2. Install  Node Js sudo apt install nodejs 3. Install  Visual Studio code .deb 64 bit download and install   Access Ubuntu server using Putty: sudo su   ->enter vim filenamd.extension :w -save :qa exit i for insert mv old file  new file rm -remove file rmdir -remove directory rm -r mydir -non empty directory cp -r source /destination path assign permission chown -R www-data folder Data...

ANTD design

 Antd deign- Date initialization issue as the time of edit mode. we have set  obj . date1 = moment ( obj . Date1 ,  'YYYY-MM-DD' );